My Jesus Epiphany
February 2022 💎 Diamond

A Jesus Epiphany

The following is from a friend of Elisha’s Riddle, Bob Ingle, author of the wonderful blog UnheardWordz…

My Jesus Epiphany came 14 years ago this week in a popular brewpub in midtown Kansas City. The incense was cigarette smoke, the offering in a skillet, the searcher was tatted & pierced. In the middle of a conversation I heard myself quoting Jesus:  If I be lifted up from the earth I’ll draw all men unto me… in that moment everything changed.  I realized “church as usual” wasn’t lifting up the real Jesus to the real world… I realized I’d been shown something very different. I was forever changed.

I suddenly understood mankind, created in the image of God with all His potential, was searching for far more than the slavery resulting from the systemic Sermon Series that spins and re-spins Genesis 3. It became clear Jesus came to free generations, not to weigh them down with the guilt of a message that is continually an accuser of our brothers and sisters (Revelation 12) and wear them down on a never ending journey up and down the Roman Road.

Jesus said… My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11

His simple message: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. Nothing else is required… All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. Matthew 22

You aren’t a slave to a sermon series; you’re not called to follow another man’s road. You have all the potential of Creation, you are a manifestation of a Great God idea… Let us make mankind in our image…  Genesis 1

You are a Jesus Epiphany. 

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