Back in 1971, on Season 3 of Sesame Street, Big Bird talked about his friend Snuffleupagus. His nickname was “Snuffy” and he was a wooly mammoth. He was big, brown, and furry. He was Big Bird’s best friend. The only problem was, nobody on Sesame Street could see Snuffy except […]
Pre-Magazine Articles from Elisha’s Riddle
Seeing America With Eyes of Faith
We are called to live by faith and not by sight. In today’s world, this is needed more than ever. Faith is so important that the Apostle Paul told the Galatians that “faith expressing itself through love” is the “only thing that counts.” America has a lot of issues right […]
I Love You, Stinky Face!
By Tim Ballentine (A special guest of Elisha’s Riddle). The gospel boldly declares that we are righteous, loved, and flawless in His sight. But what about when we don’t feel or act that way? Our Christian Church history is filled with wonderful minds. With musicians and artists. Writers. Theologians. Speakers. […]
Papa’s Playlist 2
A few months back we featured our first Elisha’s Riddle Playlist, put together by Dylan Demarsico. Titled “Papa’s Playlist,” it featured songs by Chance the Rapper, Lecrae, Kanye West, David Crowder Band, and Kirk Franklin. The goal was to put together an experience with our Heavenly Father through music. Well […]
Papa’s Power
This week I’d like to discuss the power of our Daddy. In the previous 3 weeks we have discussed first that Jesus has revealed that the creator of the universe is our Dad. Second we discussed that our Papa is very passionate and full of enthusiasm towards us. And third […]
The Father’s Heart for Racism
This week there has been a hot button issue revolving athletes, the national anthem, and our President Donald Trump. While it’s easy to fall into anger and claim one side of this issue is completely evil, there is wisdom from above. Our Father has not left us as orphans to […]
The Sneeze of Salvation
“His sneezings flash forth light.” Job 41:18 How annoying is it when you have to sneeze but you just can’t get it out? It’s one of the worst things in the world. Isn’t it so frustrating? And when that sneeze finally comes out, isn’t it just wonderful? It’s such a […]
Solar Reflections
This week . . . a spiritual message behind last week’s total solar eclipse. _______________ Eclipse To the people of the ancient world, including the Hebrews and the early church, solar eclipses and other natural phenomena often triggered thoughts of divine omens and messages. Today, there are two extremes in response to […]
Papa’s Passion
If God is our Father, what kind of Papa do we have? One of the common denominators of the modern Dad is that he is disinterested. There is a lack of engagement that comes from the heart. You can imagine the Dad who isn’t really listening to his […]
A Revelation of Papa
Many of us want to know God. We are very intrigued by this mysterious Deity. The universe is so big, there are billions and billions of planets that we are still discovering. The details of life are so mind-boggling. Through sex, a tiny sperm enters a female egg and somehow, […]
North Korea
This week . . . a word on the conflict with North Korea. _______________ When dictators fall… We live in an age when dictators are falling more than ever before. Between the uniting force of social media and the increase of education throughout the world (and let’s not forget the […]
Welcome, All
I keep searching for God, but I’ve only found the Devil, he was hiding in the details Stress is a true thief in the night stealing all you are and leaving no wind for your sails Saints seem to paint with alabaster, and cover inequities with plaster Who can run […]
Bible Studies in the White House, Changes in Society
This week . . . Bible studies at the White House, major changes in the church’s approach to orphanages, and a Christian rap artist welcoming kids back to school. _______________ Bible studies at the White House The Cabinet of the current presidential administration is apparently gathering together to study the Bible on […]
A Whole New World
This week . . . Disney casting a worship leader, a reflection on OJ Simpson, and two lives saved through smart technology. _______________ The faith of Disney’s new princess The roles for Disney’s new live-action version of Aladdin have been cast. Will Smith is doing the voice of Genie, and a young woman named […]
Christ and the Cartels
This week . . . A reflection on the drug violence in Mexico, and a proposed Solution arising from Brooklyn to Bangkok, to ancient Jerusalem to modern Jaurez… _______________ Cartel violence We begin with an absolutely tragic statistic coming out of Mexico. In the first five months of 2017, 11,155 people have been murdered throughout the country, most of which […]
You Are a Gift From God to God
What is humility? Humility is accepting the truth that God reveals. What is false humility? False humility is being so “humble” that you reject that free gift of God’s grace. A good picture of false humility is Peter telling Jesus not to wash his feet. You can imagine that this […]
Perfect Peace by Canaan Baca
This article was written by a friend of Elisha’s Riddle, Canaan Baca. In America it seems as though truth and peace are the two intangible things that we seek after the most. We are quickly realizing that the physical things alone won’t satisfy, and that there is more to this […]
Papa’s Playlist
Below is a playlist produced from encountering the heart of the Father through certain songs. Enjoy these songs and let them give you joy in His presence.
Papa’s Peace
_______ Papa has made peace with all things. Many things are asleep to Papa but I am not. I am awake to Papa’s peace with all things. I am considered a fool by both family and friend. But my Papa is more precious than silver and gold. You […]
Why Do We Exist
For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11 King James Version First off, the above verse is in the King James Version so it must be true. The King James Version is the same language that Jesus Himself spoke. Okay, […]
The Call: 10 Years Later
This week . . . 10 years after the Call in Nashville: a personal reflection and a prophetic word. _______________ 7/7/07 This past Friday marked the 10 year anniversary of a major event that took place on July 7, 2007, when over 70,000 people gathered at Titan Stadium in Nashville, Tennessee […]
The Desert is the Fingerprint of God
___________ While flying over the desert I thought, The desert is the fingerprint of God. All of the ridges and mountains of sand are holding the imprint of God’s hand. Creatures live and hide in the shadows cast by the setting sun. Just over the mountain peaks a silhouette of […]
The Spinning Trinity
This week . . . The unveiling of the Trinity on both late-night TV and the grounds of a state Capitol building. _______________ Colbert, fidget-spinners, and the Trinity Millions of viewers of the Late Show received a full teaching about the Trinity this past week as host Stephen Colbert discussed the recent sensation […]
Independence from Religion
This 4th of July I am personally celebrating my own freedom from law and religion, when a few years ago I woke up to a greater revelation of God’s unfathomable grace… Before this, I was enslaved to this constant pressure to have be fasting, praying, evangelizing, etc. in order to […]
Trains, Kingdom Shifts, and Gay Pride
This week . . . Trains and resurrection, amazing “Kingdom shifts,” and some insightful perspective on the recent Gay Pride parade. _______________ A little boy’s awe Video of a 3-year-old boy seeing a train for the first time made the news this past week due to the sheer pleasure and excitement that exudes from […]
Kay Roe on Gay Pride
“Who you are in this moment contains who you were always meant to be; the question is, how much of that are you able – and willing – to see?” – the Seer This is the opening phrase of a novel I’m writing about a retelling of the fairy tale, […]
Slow Down
This week . . . A word about slowing down, massive changes in Saudi Arabia, and a follow-up to the Wonder… _______________ A big yellow light This month, a song called “Yellow Light” was released by Pharrell Williams from the new Despicable Me 3 soundtrack. In the song, Pharrell sings about the “United States of […]
And I found what I’m looking for
This week . . . Gospel revelation on Jimmy Kimmel Live, a new album from Hillsong, Cambodian glory, and the solar eclipse of the century! _______________ Finding the Joshua Tree U2 recently appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to perform their song “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” from their famous album […]
The Happy Trinity – Teaching
Below is a teaching on God’s happiness. It’s full of Biblical references and Church History references. Enjoy God’s happiness today! The Father is happy with the Son and we’ve been included in that infinite happiness!
The Passing Shadow
This week . . . a manifestation of the Kingdom in terror-weary England, and the passing of the shadow. _______________ God’s Glory in Manchester Since March, England has been rattled with several terror attacks, one of the worst taking place at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, which saw the loss […]
Perfect Happiness
For by one sacrifice He has made perfect for all time those who are sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 1600 years ago Augustine wrote, “Every man, whatsoever his condition, desires to be happy.” The pursuit of happiness runs through all of us, we can’t escape it. The gospel has everything to do […]
China, grace, and the Silk Road
In our last New Bus, we did a quick story on the “shifts” happening on the mission field, where we gave a word about a change in focus in the missions movements throughout the world. This change will entail a new focus on the grace of God, identity, and understanding the Kingdom more as “family” than […]
Are You as Excited for Judgment Day as I am?!
Are you excited for judgment day? Because I am! Oh boy, gee willikers, it’s going to be a wonderful day. You’re not afraid of it, are you? I mean, I’d be afraid of it too, I suppose, but I’m just trying to obey the Scriptures. The Apostle John… remember him? […]
Shifts in Missions
This year, the major mapmaker for missionaries will be shutting down after 33 years in operation. Global Mapping International is losing donors and seeing more people utilize Google Maps and will thus be closing their doors on June 30. Besides the Google Maps factor, millennial donors are more interested in […]
God is on our side
This week… A brief word about Lady Gaga and Kim Walker-Smith God is on our side This month, pop-sensation and cultural icon Lady Gaga, as well as anointed worship leader Kim Walker-Smith, both released new music. Gaga debuted a new song at Coachella that is one of those I’m-singing-directly-to-God-but-you’re-not-supposed-to-know-unless-you-know-my-heart kind of […]
The Ultimate Prophetic Word (and the end of the smartphone)
This week… The ultimate prophetic word from God and a follow-up on technology regarding the end of smartphones . . . God’s prophetic word Here’s a prophetic word for you… I feel like God is saying…. I’m just getting this picture…. Of Christ and Him crucified…. And I feel like…. […]
Drinking in the Trinity
Jesus took wine and told all of His disciples to drink it. He told them the wine is His blood of the New Covenant which is poured out for their sins. God made wine to make people glad (Psalm 104:15). But Jesus also used wine as a symbol for His […]
A Diamond for a Nation & Computerized Brains
This week… Giving away $62 million & the robotic enhancement of the brain A diamond for a nation One of the most beautiful scenes in modern cinema is from the movie “Blood Diamond.” It is the scene where the father of a boy who’s been kidnapped and forced to join a […]
The Father of the Foolish
The good news is a message that is for the foolish. Those who are wise and smart in this age cannot comprehend it. It’s too simple, too easy, and too contrary to the ways of this world. This gospel requires us to “lose our life in order to save it.” […]
Girl. Bull. Opioids. Technology.
This week… A defiant girl and a strong bull, the opioid crisis in America, and some powerful reflections on technology. A fearless girl on Wall Street Several weeks ago, a statue of a young girl standing defiantly in front of the famous Wall Street bull gained national attention. There are many layers behind […]
The Good News in Space Jam
God spoke the good news to many of our hearts in 1996 with the Warner Brothers film, Space Jam. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. In the same manner, we are all Looney Tunes in need of Air Jordan to come and save us […]
A New Level & Fusion Power
Subscribe here This week… Two very different stories out of Illinois that reveal hope and change on multiple levels of society. The next level in “shifting the powers that be” Two weeks ago we looked at Chance the Rapper’s Grammy win, explaining how in many ways this was a sign of […]
God’s Pleasure Power
This life requires the power of God to live victorious. There are many seasons and many conflicts in this life. Jesus promised that we would be hated in this life. Being hated can be a difficult thing to deal with. How did Jesus deal with being betrayed? How did He […]
Media matrix, overcoming hate, and a ring of fire
This week… Another glitch in the matrix, a surprising way that love is overcoming hate, and a glorious Ring of Fire in the sky. A glitch in the media matrix…again A few weeks ago we commented on the teleprompter problems at the Golden Globe Awards and the slip-up with Mariah’ Carey’s […]
Hugging Fear & Loving Wild
Deep down inside I saw: A dark figure is lurking in the far reaches of my heart; it lurks in the far reaches of my mind. It is made of shadow, it’s wispy figure is clad in darkened armor. It, no, it is he, because let’s be honest, this […]
The Island – Pt 5
Read Part 4 It was like falling. Falling and falling and falling. He couldn’t quite place how he ended up where he did, or when the tree bled away and the edges of reality seeped into the picture, but they did, they did all the same. When […]
The Grammy’s & Shifting the Powers that Be
This week… Worship at the Grammy’s–and a major change in the “powers that be” in the music industry. How Great is Our God! Last week we looked at how God was at work in the biggest night of television for sports – The Super Bowl. This week there was something equally, if not more […]
Patriotism & Gaga’s Gospel
This week… A divine message encoded in television’s biggest night: The Super Bowl. Divine messages through sports?? We spent a lot of time last summer looking at some prophetic revelation from the Rio Olympics. We highlighted defining moments that spoke to God’s redeeming plans for the U.S. and other nations. We did a […]
The Island Pt. 4
Read Part Three The experience of memory carried him until reality bled into the scenery. Sunrays lanced through the forest roof, and his steps became easier. The air thinned. Fin hardly noticed the transition. Reality was rarely worth participating in, but he thought this was the exception. He pawed […]
The Island – Pt. 3
Read Part Two… Dreams came quickly, probably something in the seasoning. The dreams were vivid. The dreams were Leaf. She taught him knots. She had showed him parts of the island he would have never dreamt existed. Together they had discovered the Tree. She had become his shelter. She was […]
A Wigglesworth Prophecy & the Inauguration
Sign-up to receive the New Bus weekly This week… Two different and yet interconnected articles… Since we’ve all been saturated with news surrounding the presidential inauguration, we didn’t want to shy away from that. We also share some more thoughts on the “grace and glory” movement that will sweep the earth. Grace, glory, and unity: part three Last week […]
The Island – Pt. 2
Read Part One… Wreckage. He winced as the splintery wood parted his skin like a knife in butter. It wasn’t too deep, or at least it didn’t feel too deep. It was however, bloody. Very bloody. His world was swimming, stars dotted his vision like an evil kaleidoscope. Pieces of […]
Falling in Love with Jesus
Sign-up to receive the New Bus weekly This week… The coming grace and glory movement, an actor’s testimony of falling in love with Jesus, and other encouraging news. Grace, glory, and unity: part two Last week we talked about two movements and revelations being highlighted in the church in recent decades: The revelation of […]
The Island – Pt. 1
Fin yanked at the axe’s handle. It was always hardest to gather wood during the rainy season. He braced his foot against the sinewy bark and jerked back, landing hard on his rear. His vision doubled up and fell back in line accordingly. He got back up and took another […]
Unity, Bullets, Seeds, and Glitches
This week… A word about an emerging unity in the church, bullets filled with seeds, shakings in the media, and a dark matter update. Also, a very important update below on a new fiction series starting next week! Grace, glory, and unity: part one This week we sense the Holy Spirit’s emphasis on the […]
End Times
We need to mention the book of Revelation as the Gargantuan Green Gorilla in the room when it comes to what our future is going to be like. Let’s face it, a vast majority of believers look at this book-of-the-end and point to undeniable worldwide chaos and disaster before the […]
Reformation, Social Media, and Dark Matter
This week… An encouraging fulfillment of a recent prophetic word as well as an exploration into “dark matter” and the true Mystery of the cosmos. Social media prophecy and Mark Zuckerberg’s newfound faith Since 1999, a council of prophetic leaders have gotten together at the end of the year to seek […]
2016/2017 – Prophetic Word & Wrap-Up
This week… A glorious new year to you and yours! Below is a prophetic wrap-up of 2016 with a word for the year ahead. 2016 – The Year of God’s Gentleness This past year brought a fresh stream of revelation to the Body of Christ and the world regarding the character and nature […]
Reverse Ageing and a Special Christmas Miracle
This week… Merry Christmas! We’re sending out the New Bus a little early in light of the upcoming busy weekend. This issue covers some fascinating news about genetics, A.I.-assisted rapping, and an amazing Christmas miracle. Reversing the Process of Ageing Recent news from geneticists in California reveals fresh insights about the ageing process, […]
The Trinity, Hollywood, and Space Travel
This week… A revelation of the Trinity coming to a theater near you, and good news regarding teen substance abuse. Hollywood, the Trinity, and Restoration This week the film Collateral Beauty starring Will Smith hits theaters. The story centers around a man who suffers a great tragedy (his young daughter dies) and ends up […]
The Great Deception
(See here for Part Four – Original Identity) Every epic story has an epic villain. Something Sinister this way Slithers The Enemy has been competing for our identity long before he enters stage left into that fateful Garden scene. What the satan successfully accomplished was to insert a strategically […]
Original Identity
(See here for Part Three – Creation of the Cosmos) Who are you? (Hint: you are more than you believe is possible.) God has determined to reveal Himself to you in a way that captures your heart, and He has worked from before the beginning of time to accomplish […]
A Dream and Signs of the Times
This week… A prophetic dream about rest, the signs of the times, cancer-fighting video games, and worship to God erupting on national television. The wine of sweet bliss (and skipping class) This week I had a dream and there were two things that seemed to explode from the heart of Jesus. (This is […]
Creation of the Cosmos
(See here for Part Two – Sanctuary of the Divine) In the End, God . . . Before we continue unfolding our story in Genesis, let’s “cheat” and jump to the end of the Story, where we’ll discover another Black-Hole-like reality, another “singularity” with enormous gravitational force where we […]
Sanctuary of the Divine
(See here for Part One – Innocence & Awe) Sometimes, a movie or a series of movies will come out, and afterwards the “prequel” will be released. The prequel gives us the back-story . . . the story before the beginning, often setting up additional context and important aspects […]
Hip Hop. Oil. Artificial Intelligence. Joy.
This week . . . A discussion on hip-hop & faith, a major oil discovery, the future of tech businesses, and a presidential award for JOY! ~ MTV & “the Gospel according to Kirk Franklin” MTV recently put out a short video with Kirk Franklin discussing hip-hop and the Gospel. […]
Innocence & Awe
Babies enter the world awestruck at the wonder of existence. If they could communicate with us the moment after birth, they might say, “Wow! I exist! I don’t know what that even means!! Everything is NEW!!!” The first weeks, months and years are filled with the absolute joy of wide-eyed […]
The Election: Looking Ahead
This piece is written by Nick Padovani, editor of Elisha’s Riddle. The views and thoughts that follow are his own. ~ This week there’s really only one news story to focus on. It’s the elephant in the room–that is, the literal “elephant” logo of the Republican Party. Their nominee, Donald J. Trump, is now […]
Cubs, Batteries, and Election
Game 7 Cubs & Indians This week, the Chicago Cubs broke a 108 year-long championship drought in perhaps one of the most exhilarating World Series games ever. In the seventh game, during extra innings, and after a rain delay, the Cubs beat the Cleveland Indians 8 to 7, releasing an eruption […]
Issue #13 – Breaking Curses and the Heartbeat of a Star
(In case you missed it, click here to read Part Five of the new series “The Cold Civil War”) This week . . . The breaking of ancient curses, evolution in the classroom, Oprah Winfrey and Hillsong NYC, and the beating heart of a dead star Breaking curses – nationally and athletically For a […]
The Cold Civil War Pt. 5
The Punchline Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at a number of issues bringing division in this country—hence the civil war reference. The cold part of the title relates to an ideological battle that resembles the conflict between capitalism and communism during the Cold War in the 20th […]
The Cold Civil War Pt. 4
Two Sides of the Same Coin We made a big push last week through a lot of history and spiritual discussion on the dangers of big government, socialism, and the like. We looked at the value of certain conservative policies that try to uphold Republic-based government that limit the […]
Issue #12 – A Victory Song, Media Shakings, and Changing Climate Change
The New Bus 10/14 – 10/21 A song of victory By Dylan Demarsico Ayo Ayo, listen up, check it out. This has to be said. Even though we got some unbelievable insight into America in this Cold Civil War series there’s something that still has to be said […]
The Cold Civil War Pt. 3
A Quantum Leap in Humanity We’ve been looking at how the Captain America series surprisingly holds a poignant and prophetic message for us. We discussed how the films show a division and conflict between Captain America and his superhero team over the role of government in their lives. In […]
Issue #10 – Resurrection & Starboy
(In case you missed it, click here to read Part Two of the new series “The Cold Civil War”) This week . . . one article highlighting an amazing transformation occurring in the life of an influential music artist. The resurrection of the Weeknd as Starboy Some of you may be familiar The Weeknd, […]
A Cold Civil War Pt. 2
Part Two – Roadmaps & Freedom If you missed the first part of this series, click here… Last week, we introduced the concept of a “Cold Civil War” by discussing some of the division within our nation and the need for a greater dialogue and a greater sense of […]
The Apocalypse of the Happy Trinity
Let’s talk about the “end-times.” This is a topic that’s usually either loved or completely avoided out of fear. Yet it’s really important to look at it, because how we view the end of the world affects how we live in the present. If we are all just going to […]
A Cold Civil War – 1
Part One – A Parable of Hope Right now, my personal Facebook feed feels like a little microcosm of our entire country. I have friends and acquaintances who, thankfully, don’t hold to the same perspectives and passions. I have extremely liberal friends and utterly conservative friends. There are advocates for […]
Issue #9: The Glory on Medicine, Sports, and an Economic Reset
~ (To read Part One of the new series “The Cold Civil War” click here) This week . . . the glory on medicine, the glory on sports, the glory on Tim Tebow, the glory on economic justice, and the glory on you. And the person next to you. And the person next to them. A “post-antibiotic world” […]
The Gospel of the Happy Trinity
To understand the Gospel, you must understand the original promise. The original promise was to Abraham. God told him, “In you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3) So then, worldwide “blessing” was the promise. But let’s clear something up. What did God mean by “blessed” […]
Failed Terror Plots and a “Cold” Civil War
Subscribe to receive the New Bus weekly This week . . . an encouraging follow-up to the previous issue on 9/11, and some insights on a “cold” civil war within the country. Failed terror attacks Two weeks ago, we issued a special edition of The New Bus regarding 9/11 with a prophetic […]
Issue #6: Turning Tragedy into a Party…and another Olympic miracle
Sign-up to receive the New Bus weekly This week . . . when tragedy turns into a “heavenly party”, massive change in Brazil after the Olympics, a new Frank Ocean album, and a delay in the global expansion of the Internet. A “heavenly birthday party” after a tragic murder In New Mexico this past Sunday, thousands […]
The Grace of the Trinity
Let’s talk about the “grace” of the Trinity. Grace is an extremely common word in Christianity and it gets tossed around a lot. We know for sure that the gospel (good news) is a “gospel of grace.” Paul uses the term “grace” very frequently in his letters to describe what […]
Issue #5: Confirmed prophecy in the Olympics…and robotic pizza
Sign-up to receive the New Bus weekly This week . . . unbelievable events throughout the world of sports, a confirmed prophecy in the Olympics, the black church’s influence on pop music, and the robotic future of pizza. God’s message to the world through the Olympics From the beginning, we knew that God […]
The Wrath of the Trinity
Paul’s letter to the Romans has always been known as a book that contains the “gospel.” It is filled with the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection and what that means for the world. In the very first chapter, Paul introduces his audience to the wrath of God. How […]
Issue #4: A Big, Friendly God and the Olympic Song of the Lamb
Sign-up to receive The New Bus weekly This week . . . the Song of the Lamb proclaimed at a historic Olympic victory, the revelation of God’s heart to an orphaned generation, the dramatic rise of Christianity throughout the globe, and a future filled with driverless vehicles. A big, friendly God… Last month, Disney released […]
Chapter Three: The Laughter of the Trinity
The Fullness of Joy The living God is a God of laughter. Laughter is the sound or expression of joy. Laughter is what happens when happiness overflows from within. Is it surprising then that God is a Father, Son, and Spirit who are abundant in laughter? Remember, in the […]
Issue #3: Global Redemption, Political Uncovering, and Diamonds
Sign-up to receive The New Bus weekly This week . . . a continued look at the Olympic “sign” of global redemption, hope in the midst of terrorism, an uncovering in politics, and the creation of diamonds out of pollution. Olympic redemption pt. 2 Last week, we looked at the story of […]
Chapter Two: Before the Foundation of the World
The Father’s Love The entire life of the Trinity begins with the Father’s love towards His Son. Jesus prayed to His Father, “You loved me before the foundation of the world” (John 17:24). This might be the clearest biblical statement on what was going on before the universe began. This […]
Issue #2: Olympic Glory, a Message to Christians, and the Future of Video-games and TV
Sign-up to receive The New Bus weekly This week . . . a Christian artist’s response to judgmental Christians, God moving in the Olympics, and the future of video-games and television through an analysis of “Pokemon Go” and “Stranger Things”… Also, a mysterious orb deep in the ocean. Olympic redemption and the testimony of Michael Phelps The most decorated Olympian […]
Chapter One: The Trinity
An ongoing series from Dylan Demarsico – The Finished Work of the Happy Trinity.
Issue #1: A Chronicle of Hope
This is the first of weekly insights and links to news from around the world, captured through a prophetic lens, chronicled through a hope-filled voice. Discovery of world’s deepest underwater sinkhole A “blue hole” has been discovered in the South Sea of China. Blue sinkholes are beautiful, dark blue spots of water that […]
Introduction: To Know Him
An ongoing series from Dylan Demarsico – The Finished Work of the Happy Trinity.
The Boy From Cleveland
A short story about how Lebron brought joy to Cleveland.
My Joy in the Call
This past weekend I had the oppurtunity in serving at Azuza Now in LA. A gathering of people of all race, backgrounds, and denominations who got together for one thing…LOVE. When I say love I’m not speaking about merely a cute feel good, pretty word, resembling flowers and heart emojis. I’m […]
Selena Gomez and the Knowledge of His Glory
Is the “Great Awakening” already under way? God is using Selena Gomez to bring millions of young people into the awareness of His love.
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