Carrying and manifesting the promises of God.
The Ship That Sailed into the World
“There once was a ship filled with a million treasures…”
Serving the Bride
The overflow of an awakened identity (and The Office).
The Half-Life of a Twinkie
Welcome to the Creamy Center.
Tater Tots and God’s Glory
An expository dive into golden deliciousness.
God in a Bowl of Fruity Pebbles
Nations of all colors and the Milk in which we live and move and have our being.
Blaming the Church
The deeper problem behind “church hurt.”
Misplaced Expectations
Another way of understanding the command: "Deny yourself."
Psalm 23…in different words
A simple paraphrase of the beloved 23rd Psalm.
The Future of the Church
Tying together previous conversations into a clear and vivid vision for the future of the global church.
You Make God Feel Good Inside
This month’s edition of the Elisha’s Riddle podcast.
And All Shall Be Well
A hope-filled word from Jesus given to a young woman in the midst of a pandemic in the Dark Ages and how this connects with our story today.
The Finished Work of Jesus
How the revelation of what Jesus did on the cross changed everything.
Whales, Miracles, and the Kiss of God
A tremendous tale about God speaking through whales. Nick and Dylan continue in a conversation of the amazing things God has been revealing and confirming through the years.
Identity, Recovery, and Calling
Nick and Dylan share some fun stories as they discuss the amazing history behind a vision to reach those lost in addiction with the message of redeemed identity in Christ.
Fun in the Presence of God
A conversation between Nick and Dylan, co-creators of Elisha’s Riddle.
Poetry of Union
His heart Cornerstoned within my own...
Hope in an Egg
A personal story weaving together several life lessons as it explores the beauty and power of bonding, both with God…and animals.
Parable of the Pizza
To what shall I compare the kingdom of heaven? ...Well, let's talk about pizza.
The Parable of the Student
What in your life do you need to let go of so you can enjoy being you?
Happy Trinity Meditation 2: The Happy T-Rex
A prehistoric parable… Another meditation on the Happy Trinity.
Hello Child
Poetry and Abba
I Am Here
Watercolor and the presence of God
Playing Catch with the Father and Son
Jesus, speaking as “Wisdom” in the book of Proverbs, said this about the creation of the world with his Father: “I was there, close to the Creator’s side as his master artist. Daily he was filled with delight in me as I playfully rejoiced before him. I laughed and played, so happy with what he had made, while finding my delight in the children of men.” (Proverbs 8:30-31 TLB)
The Legend of the Squirrels
…..He was, after all, the Legend of the Squirrels. At least that’s what some squirrels called Him. Some preferred the King of the Squirrels, and others the Squirrel Warrior. And still many others referred to Him as the Great Squirrel Champion.
The Ludicrous Lover
The universe knew you, long before time . . . Long before creatures, contagions, and crime . . .
Jesus Christ: Guardian of Our Galaxy
He won the war of the whole universe at the Cross of Power. All the enemies of the universe came and conspired together to kill Him. But “He who sits in the heavens laughs.” He joyfully took all of these enemies into His hand and crushed them with His mighty Blade of Glory.
Message in a Black Bottle
Both science and theology are, at their essence, motivated by the exploration of Reality. Any unbiased look at the Creation, either through telescope or microscope, will eventually lead a person to the Creator of all things . . . and it’s a beautiful thing when an unbiased look captures something spectacular at the heart of the entire universe.
Thanos and Christendom’s Endgame
Infinity War involves a villain named Thanos who is pursuing six “infinity stones.” These stones will give him the power to destroy half the population of the universe. There is indeed a message hidden here; one that is breaking box office records and blasting out a fresh parable to the world. It is speaking of things to come (though perhaps not in the way you’d expect). If this perplexes you, listen in as we unpack the mystery of this parable together . . .
A Garden of Fear and Shame
A.W. Tozer said in his book Knowledge of the Holy, that by a "secret law of the soul" we tend to become like the image of God we carry in our mind and heart. Our internal compass moves us towards our perception of the deity that we behold. Tozer also said that "what comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us." This is more profound than we know. Way back in the Garden, Adam opens his eyes for the very first time, and . . .
Papa’s Playlist 2
A few months back we featured our first Elisha’s Riddle Playlist, put together by Dylan Demarsico. Titled “Papa’s Playlist,” it featured songs by Chance the Rapper, Lecrae, Kanye West, David Crowder Band, and Kirk Franklin. The goal was to put together an experience with our Heavenly Father through music. Well […]
Welcome, All
I keep searching for God, but I’ve only found the Devil, he was hiding in the details Stress is a true thief in the night stealing all you are and leaving no wind for your sails Saints seem to paint with alabaster, and cover inequities with plaster Who can run […]
Papa’s Playlist
Below is a playlist produced from encountering the heart of the Father through certain songs. Enjoy these songs and let them give you joy in His presence.
Papa’s Peace
_______ Papa has made peace with all things. Many things are asleep to Papa but I am not. I am awake to Papa’s peace with all things. I am considered a fool by both family and friend. But my Papa is more precious than silver and gold. You […]
The Desert is the Fingerprint of God
___________ While flying over the desert I thought, The desert is the fingerprint of God. All of the ridges and mountains of sand are holding the imprint of God’s hand. Creatures live and hide in the shadows cast by the setting sun. Just over the mountain peaks a silhouette of […]
Hugging Fear & Loving Wild
Deep down inside I saw: A dark figure is lurking in the far reaches of my heart; it lurks in the far reaches of my mind. It is made of shadow, it’s wispy figure is clad in darkened armor. It, no, it is he, because let’s be honest, this […]
The Island – Pt 5
Read Part 4 It was like falling. Falling and falling and falling. He couldn’t quite place how he ended up where he did, or when the tree bled away and the edges of reality seeped into the picture, but they did, they did all the same. When […]
The Island Pt. 4
Read Part Three The experience of memory carried him until reality bled into the scenery. Sunrays lanced through the forest roof, and his steps became easier. The air thinned. Fin hardly noticed the transition. Reality was rarely worth participating in, but he thought this was the exception. He pawed […]
The Island – Pt. 3
Read Part Two… Dreams came quickly, probably something in the seasoning. The dreams were vivid. The dreams were Leaf. She taught him knots. She had showed him parts of the island he would have never dreamt existed. Together they had discovered the Tree. She had become his shelter. She was […]
The Island – Pt. 2
Read Part One… Wreckage. He winced as the splintery wood parted his skin like a knife in butter. It wasn’t too deep, or at least it didn’t feel too deep. It was however, bloody. Very bloody. His world was swimming, stars dotted his vision like an evil kaleidoscope. Pieces of […]
The Island – Pt. 1
Fin yanked at the axe’s handle. It was always hardest to gather wood during the rainy season. He braced his foot against the sinewy bark and jerked back, landing hard on his rear. His vision doubled up and fell back in line accordingly. He got back up and took another […]
The Boy From Cleveland
A short story about how Lebron brought joy to Cleveland.
Ancient Collisions
The pre-Creation work accomplished on behalf of all humanity . . . and how it needs to crash into our present lives.
Papa’s Delight
The Delight that sets you free to be a unique expression of the Father.