The New Bus - Elisha's Riddle
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Issue #3: Global Redemption, Political Uncovering, and Diamonds

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This week . . . a continued look at the Olympic “sign” of global redemption, hope in the midst of terrorism, an uncovering in politics, and the creation of diamonds out of pollution.

Olympic redemption pt. 2

Last week, we looked at the story of Michael Phelps and the amazing spiritual recovery in his life, which highlights a greater picture of redemption coming out of the 2016 Olympics (the games are being held under the shade of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio, one of the new “seven wonders” of the world).

Since the publishing of that article, Phelps has won four gold medals. This is a further sign of redemption in his life, especially considering past emotional breakdowns, entrance into rehab, and absolute rejection and judgment by many of the people and fans around him.

Meanwhile, USA Today posted a story about Team USA Basketball (which we also posted about last week), taking a Snapchat picture in front of Christ the Redeemer.

On top of this, there was an NBC interview this week with two American divers who won the silver medal testifying about their identity in Christ. In response to a question about their composure during the event, the two men discussed how knowing their identity in Christ keeps them from the anxiety of focusing on winning medals. This was spoken on national television.

Furthermore, the first gold medal won at the Olympics was surprisingly from an American teenager.

All of these things are a follow-up to the word given during last week’s issue. There are several things God is speaking here. First of all, there is a great redemption occurring amongst the youth of America, who are the precious gold of our nation, buried under much deception and shame. This will happen through an uncovering of our true identity in Christ! There is great redemption coming to this whole country, and of course, to the nations of the world.

From the spiritual vantage point, this is all part of the reason why these particular Olympics have been fraught with more controversy than previous games. You can be absolutely sure that the forces of deception and darkness did want the Olympics to take place under the shade of the Christ the Redeemer statue. The controversy surrounding the Zika virus and the fears of rioting and terrorist attacks have been plaguing the media even as multiple nations called for the location to be changed. Meanwhile, the Olympics continue to go on without a hitch.

This is a spiritual metaphor of the hope and redemption coming to America AND the nations of the world. Even in the midst of turmoil and viruses, the glory of redemption will be seen and the gold of Christ’s finished work will emerge.

Light and darkness at the seaside of France

This week it was announced that the death toll of the July 14 terrorist attack in Nice, France reached 85, with another person dying from wounds sustained during the attack.

Several weeks ago, I (Nick Padovani, editor) posted on Facebook about randomly opening up my Bible that following morning to a scene where 85 people in Israel were senselessly killed by one individual. What caught my attention, however, was the response of King David, who is heartbroken and yet finds hope in the ultimate triumph of good over evil. He does not diminish the pain or anger from this experience, but neither does he stay in hopelessness. His perspective rises to that of heaven, which sees the futility of evil’s plans and the greater reality that senseless violence will not win out in the end. As we find out later in the Scriptures, love will always win.

Seeing the horror of another life lost from this event, it brought up the need to link the Facebook post from July 15 and a reminder to continue to pray for this beautiful seaside city and all those affected by this event.

Uncovering corruption in the Democratic Party

One of our contributors had a dream this week that something heinous had been uncovered in the Democratic Party, and there were party officials trying to silence them. The next day news came out that Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks who leaked thousands of DNC emails last month (see New Bus Issue #1), was offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for the murder of a DNC staffer who was mysteriously killed a few weeks before the email leak. The insinuation is that this staffer leaked emails and was taken out because of it. Many people believe that Assange is trying to fuel the fire of conspiracy theories by offering this reward.

At this point, the issue remains a speculation and the notation of the dream is not an endorsement of Assange’s claim. We need to guard ourselves from the addictive and incessant tendency to feed into conspiracy theories. We also need to remember to pray for those in power, and see the grace of Christ being extended to them as well.

The point of this article and the sharing of the dream is that you can be absolutely sure that there is an uncovering of deception that has taken place and will continue to take place in the Democratic Party. The arts are often prophetic messengers to the country, and the Netflix show House of Cards is about a corrupt Democrat who is continually evading full exposure. Many fans of the show are still waiting and hoping for the main character’s demise. (Interestingly, we posted last week about another Netflix show in a totally different context, but this adds even more layers to the power of television in the future.)

A few weeks ago, a movie was released about the darker roots of the Democratic Party, including its influence in African slavery and the eventual transition of influence over the legalization and economic capitalizing of abortion.

The Democratic Party has utilized biblical language of justice, mercy and equality appealing to the hearts of those who are after these things. But if and when these words are not matched by true policies and action towards this end, you can bet that there will be an exposure of the deception behind their language. This exposure is going to accelerate, though there is a swift plan in place to try to silence it (i.e. to make the issue about Russia and not about the real corruption happening in the DNC).

P.S. This is NOT sweeping the Republican Party’s own garbage under the rug. That’s for another post on another day 🙂

P.P.S. In view of the preceding, Elisha’s Riddle will be an equal-opportunity offender of every political party. Revolution is upon the whole system, and you don’t need a “prophet” to see that one.

Turning smog into diamonds

There is a tower being built in Beijing, China that will use technology to turn the city’s high levels of air pollution into diamonds… Yes, diamonds.

It’s estimated that over 4000 people die every year from the air pollution in China. The thing about air pollution though, is that it has lots of carbon in it. When pressurized, carbon can turn into diamonds. The technology within this tower utilizes pressurization at the nano-level to do this very quickly (in about 30 minutes).

The proceeds of the diamonds bought from this tower will go towards creating other towers all over the world to help eliminate air pollution.

Beloved reader and subscriber, please understand that the pollution of this world (political, religious, media, economic) is only the potting soil for God to turn ashes into beauty. This sign of literal diamonds being created from one of the top polluted spots in the world is a beautiful and sure sign of God’s redeeming plans for the world. This “tower” is like the high tower of the cross, which we can run into with all our personal pollution and watch as its all turned into eternal treasure.

Side-note: The man who designed these towers is also credited with an idea for creating electricity through a dance floor (the energy is created only as people dance upon it). That is also another post for another day…


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