Tag: Religion

Poppy Plant
April 2019, 💎 Diamond

The Opiate of the Masses

The world is still in need of true healing, not just a temporary numbing. But to understand how we come to find real healing, we first need to see more of the connection between opiates and religion. This will open up to the door to a beautiful revelation . . .

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Thanos Endgame
April 2019, 🌱 Grass

Thanos and Christendom’s Endgame

Infinity War involves a villain named Thanos who is pursuing six “infinity stones.” These stones will give him the power to destroy half the population of the universe. There is indeed a message hidden here; one that is breaking box office records and blasting out a fresh parable to the world. It is speaking of things to come (though perhaps not in the way you’d expect). If this perplexes you, listen in as we unpack the mystery of this parable together . . .

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