Tag: trinity

Playing Catch with the Father and Son
November 2019, 🌱 Grass

Playing Catch with the Father and Son

Jesus, speaking as “Wisdom” in the book of Proverbs, said this about the creation of the world with his Father: “I was there, close to the Creator’s side as his master artist. Daily he was filled with delight in me as I playfully rejoiced before him. I laughed and played, so happy with what he had made, while finding my delight in the children of men.” (Proverbs 8:30-31 TLB)

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Rainbows & Eternity
November 2019, 💎 Diamond

Rainbows & Eternity

God looked at Jesus and saw the infinite depths of His character and being, and within those depths He saw billions of other reflections. These facets and reflections were us. God saw us "in Christ" and desired to create the universe through Jesus in order to . . .

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The Spinning Trinity
Archive, 🚌 New Bus

The Spinning Trinity

This week . . . The unveiling of the Trinity on both late-night TV and the grounds of a state Capitol building. _______________ Colbert, fidget-spinners, and the Trinity Millions of viewers of the Late Show received a full teaching about the Trinity this past week as host Stephen Colbert discussed the recent sensation […]

The New Bus - Elisha's Riddle
Archive, 🚌 New Bus

Shifts in Missions

This year, the major mapmaker for missionaries will be shutting down after 33 years in operation. Global Mapping International is losing donors and seeing more people utilize Google Maps and will thus be closing their doors on June 30. Besides the Google Maps factor, millennial donors are more interested in […]

The New Bus - Elisha's Riddle
Archive, 🚌 New Bus

The Trinity, Hollywood, and Space Travel

This week… A revelation of the Trinity coming to a theater near you, and good news regarding teen substance abuse. Hollywood, the Trinity, and Restoration This week the film Collateral Beauty starring Will Smith hits theaters. The story centers around a man who suffers a great tragedy (his young daughter dies) and ends up […]

Black Holes and the Eternal Story of Christ
Archive, 💎 Diamond

Creation of the Cosmos

(See here for Part Two – Sanctuary of the Divine)   In the End, God . . . Before we continue unfolding our story in Genesis, let’s “cheat” and jump to the end of the Story, where we’ll discover another Black-Hole-like reality, another “singularity” with enormous gravitational force where we […]