What Do I Do With All This Anxiety?
March 2022 💎 Diamond

What Do I Do With All This Anxiety?

That’s a relevant question, isn’t it? It’s sad, but it seems like it’s pretty normal these days to feel anxiety. Hopefully, the following can help a few people…

I myself was a lifelong anxiety addict. From being overly competitive as a kid, to trying to impress all my friends, to wondering if my life is a failure (and don’t even get me started on other tormenting spiritual questions about things like heaven and hell). I’ve found that all of these issues are centered in and often amplified by one major force: anxiety. 

The question is, what do I do with all my anxiety? Well, I think I have found the way of anxiety-reduction and–ideally–anxiety removal. 

You’ve heard about the cross, right? You know, the cross that so many people wear on a necklace. Or the cross that Grandma has up on her dresser. The cross that was in The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. That cross. The one that we’ve heard of since we were kids. The one that Jesus died on.

I would like to propose to you that all of your anxiety was actually on that cross. 

Say what? 

Yes, I’ll say it again. I’d like to propose that all of your anxiety was on the cross, on Jesus’s dying body.


Yea I know, I know. How does your anxiety that’s being experienced in the 2020’s find its way onto the body of Jesus that perished around 2000 years ago, on the other side of the world?

Well, the answer to this is that Jesus really was and is God. And that He had and has the power to extend His arms across 2000 years, and take your anxiety back in time, and bear the weight of it, as He hung on the cross.

The cross is actually a timeless event. It happened a long time ago, but it’s power continues to this very day. It’s power will never run out. And if you don’t believe me, I challenge you to test it out. Close your eyes, and start talking to Jesus. Ask Him to show you what He was doing on the cross. Ask Him to take on the weight of your anxiety. And then, here’s the challenging part. Actually let it go.

I’m not saying you’ll never feel anxious again. But I am saying that He can carry the weight of it forever. He’s a superhero. Stronger than Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk combined. 

Now I know that many of us can grow comfortable with our anxiety, and almost get used to it…accepting it even. But for those who are tired of it, and especially for those who are tired of fighting it–let Jesus fight it for you. And better yet, let Jesus fight it through you. Because, you know, Jesus lives in your heart…


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