Author: Mo Thomas

Holy Breath
November 2019, 💎 Diamond

Holy Breath

The lure of the "good life" (whatever that means) comes at us with a thousand hooks, meant to consume our focus and arrange our lives  - to feel protected, secure, organized, safe.  Yes, many of us have lost this sense of awestruck innocence, but it is quite present deep within, buried under layers and layers of cultural indoctrination, trauma/pain, and unmet expectations . . . awaiting an awakening.

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Perfect Theology
June 2019, 💎 Diamond

Perfect Theology

There are over 41,000 denominations...all who believe that they have come to the correct understanding on certain aspects of the scriptures. Perhaps God’s people have lost the plot somewhere, as the World-Encompassing Good News of the Gospel has been hijacked and turned into a contest of who’s right and who’s wrong.

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Black Hole
May 2019, 🌱 Grass

Message in a Black Bottle

Both science and theology are, at their essence, motivated by the exploration of Reality. Any unbiased look at the Creation, either through telescope or microscope, will eventually lead a person to the Creator of all things . . . and it’s a beautiful thing when an unbiased look captures something spectacular at the heart of the entire universe.

April 2019, 🌱 Grass

A Garden of Fear and Shame

A.W. Tozer said in his book Knowledge of the Holy, that by a "secret law of the soul" we tend to become like the image of God we carry in our mind and heart. Our internal compass moves us towards our perception of the deity that we behold. Tozer also said that "what comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us." This is more profound than we know. Way back in the Garden, Adam opens his eyes for the very first time, and . . .

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Black Holes and the Eternal Story of Christ
Archive, 💎 Diamond

The Great Deception

(See here for Part Four – Original Identity)   Every epic story has an epic villain. Something Sinister this way Slithers The Enemy has been competing for our identity long before he enters stage left into that fateful Garden scene.  What the satan successfully accomplished was to insert a strategically […]

Black Holes and the Eternal Story of Christ
Archive, 💎 Diamond

Creation of the Cosmos

(See here for Part Two – Sanctuary of the Divine)   In the End, God . . . Before we continue unfolding our story in Genesis, let’s “cheat” and jump to the end of the Story, where we’ll discover another Black-Hole-like reality, another “singularity” with enormous gravitational force where we […]