The ever available, completely free gift of God's actual presence.
Author: Dylan Demarsico
It’s 2025, What’s the Gospel Again?
We need a *refresh*er.
The “It’s All All About Me” Gospel (Part 3)
Discovering the flow of the Spirit
The Triune Happy Meal
A parable from AI and Dylan.
The “It’s All About Me” Gospel (Part 2)
Dylan takes yet another swipe at some religious chains binding up Christians today.
Christ is a Place
Tracking your true location.
The “It’s All About Me” Gospel (Part 1)
The cure to selfishness (and a firm challenge to the "older brothers" popping up out there).
Christianity 101
Re-focus with this glorious review of what it's ALL about.
Animals, Food, and Good Times (A New World)
One thing we seem to get confused about concerning the age to come is that we don’t realize how “earthy” it’s going to be.
The Kingdom is Here (A New World)
The amazing promise given to Abraham and both its present and future fulfillment.
A Brighter View of the Future (A New World)
Taking your first steps into the world to come.
Leading Cities in the Age to Come (A New World)
The next part of Dylan's upcoming book. This month we look at the awesome responsibilities to be bestowed upon the faithful (and joyful).
The Ocean of His Love
Plumbing the depths…
Letters to Rachel: A People of Victory
A church rising in the practical expressions of a very mystical union.
Letters to Rachel: Leadership
Leadership in a new era.
Perfect Provider
The truth God will be proving to us through all eternity.
Letters to Rachel: The Basics
A letter to the church of the living God in 2024...
A Planet-Wide Praise Party (A New World)
The great party at the culmination human history.
A Global Celebration (New World)
To understand the End, we have to go back to the Beginning.
3 Reasons God So Loved the World
The true story behind John 3:16.
The Second Coming (A New World)
How 1 Corinthians 13 connects with the end of the world.
The Eternal Birthday Boy (Part 2)
Have your cake and eat it too.
Love Will Heal the World
Surviving and Thriving in the Great Tribulation(s)
The Ship That Sailed into the World
“There once was a ship filled with a million treasures…”
The Eternal Birthday Boy (Part 1)
As the Son of God blew out His candles, He wished for you...
Heal the Nations (A New World)
Freely healed... Another foundation of the new world.
Made Perfect: Union with God
The greatest secret in the universe.....
From Heaven to Earth
The resurrection that is and is to come.
You* are a Selfie of God
You* are what happens when God takes a selfie!
Remember Your Foundation
Have I told you lately....that I love you?
The Body of Christ (A New World)
Glimpses of the new heavens and new earth revealed through the Body.
The Age to Come is At Hand (A New World)
Tasting the powers of the age to come.
Victorious Laughter
Thriving through the everlasting Joke.
Jesus: Firstfruits of the New World
What a wonderful day is coming, when we too will eat breakfast with Jesus in the flesh.
Resurrection of the Dead: The Hope of the World
A continued look at the new heaven and earth God is building.
Jewish Views on the New World
A bigger view of God's promise to Abraham.
Jesus is Our Shepherd
A simple, brief, and sweet reminder for all our Elisha’s Riddle subscribers.
Artists Awakening
A swelling underground of artists coming to the King.
All Things New
"This little blue marble is our home, and it's been floating like this for a very long time."
Serving the Bride
The overflow of an awakened identity (and The Office).
Tater Tots and God’s Glory
An expository dive into golden deliciousness.
God in a Bowl of Fruity Pebbles
Nations of all colors and the Milk in which we live and move and have our being.
Church Rising
An underground rumbling...and the revealing of the gold within the Bride.
Why Do I Exist…?
Answering the timeless question.
What Do I Do With All This Anxiety?
The special, surprising solution to anxiety.
A New World: The Dreamers
The beginning of a beautiful journey. A first look at “A New World.”
Hope (A Brief Star Wars Reflection)
The courageous group who will take down the Death Star of religion.
Becoming Like Children
There’s something about childlike innocence and fun that was in the Garden of Eden.
Be Holy
The call to holiness and the renewal of our "youth."
Made Perfect…the Final Chapter
"As a kid, the concept of “forever” frightened me... But as time went on, and I learned some things, I realized that 'forever' is a wonderfully glorious promise.'
Do You Remember?
Christ was always the light within you, from the first moment you were given life.
Made Perfect: Chapter Six
The secret superpower of a Christian…
Visions of Ecstasy
But the earth-shattering, heaven-splitting, hell-exploding truth is that the revelation of God’s infinite love and pleasure is for you, without you even lifting a finger.
Made Perfect
The problem is forgetting we’re completely whole and perfectly loved.
Church is Fun: Part Three
The chief end of man is to glorify God by having fun in Him forever.
Made Perfect: Chapter Three
God created the universe to be the place where He shows His incredible generosity to you. Would you humble yourself and accept this unimaginable love?
Church is Fun: Part Two
Reflections on the true nature of the church through the help of the hit comedy series The Office.
20/20 Vision & Covid
One of the greatest emerging lessons of the year 2020...
Church is Fun: Part One
Using the ancient story of Queen Esther, Dylan DeMarsico lays out a beautiful picture of the essence and definition of "church."
Made Perfect: Chapter Two
The greatest event in the history of the world is when Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, was crucified. From the beginning of time, to the end of the world, this cosmic event overrides everything else.
Made Perfect: Chapter One
A look at the first chapter from the upcoming book "Made Perfect" by Dylan DeMarsico.
Happy Trinity Meditation 1: The River of Joy
To be human, is to be a child of Joy… The first of a series of meditations on the Happy Trinity.
Happy Trinity Meditation 2: The Happy T-Rex
A prehistoric parable… Another meditation on the Happy Trinity.
Hello Child
Poetry and Abba
Playing Catch with the Father and Son
Jesus, speaking as “Wisdom” in the book of Proverbs, said this about the creation of the world with his Father: “I was there, close to the Creator’s side as his master artist. Daily he was filled with delight in me as I playfully rejoiced before him. I laughed and played, so happy with what he had made, while finding my delight in the children of men.” (Proverbs 8:30-31 TLB)
The Simple Word of God
There are a lot of words in the Bible and sometimes you can feel lost. Which command do I obey? What is God speaking to me? Which verse should I focus on? It’s helpful to remember that Jesus is the Word of God.
The Legend of the Squirrels
…..He was, after all, the Legend of the Squirrels. At least that’s what some squirrels called Him. Some preferred the King of the Squirrels, and others the Squirrel Warrior. And still many others referred to Him as the Great Squirrel Champion.
The Laughter of the Trinity
A chapter excerpt from Dylan DeMarsico's forthcoming book The Happy Trinity!
Your Golden Ticket
The cross is your golden ticket into all the blessings of God.
The Practice of the Presence of God
You do not “think” your way into God's presence. Your heart and mind simply become aware of the One who is already here, there, and everywhere!
God is an Explosion of Happiness
"God is Spirit." The infamous words that Jesus spoke to a thirsty woman at a well. But what does that statement really mean? In Jesus's day, was this word "spirit" a nice, religious term? Was it a church word? ...No.
Jesus Christ: Guardian of Our Galaxy
He won the war of the whole universe at the Cross of Power. All the enemies of the universe came and conspired together to kill Him. But “He who sits in the heavens laughs.” He joyfully took all of these enemies into His hand and crushed them with His mighty Blade of Glory.
Experiencing God
The reason people struggle to experience God is because they are looking for a God who is distant, boring, lifeless, aloof, silent, and completely focused on moral failures. The funny thing is, this God doesn't exist! So, if you’re looking for the God who is keeping track of your sins up in the sky, you are certainly going to struggle to experience “him.” That’s a non-god!
Fun Facts About Christ in You
Christ is in you. Do you think he’s worried? No, Christ doesn’t have an existential crisis about the state of his soul every day. He’s not worried that he’s not good enough, or that the Father is going to kick him out of Heaven. He’s not worried about the economy or the political climate.
Made Perfect
Am I enough? Am I acceptable to God? Am I a disappointment to the One who created me? Or am I a blessing to His heart? It can’t be both. It has to be one or the other. Yet sadly, because of the trust we put in ourselves, we think we are a disappointment to God . . .
Snuffleupagus: Big Bird’s Imaginary Friend
Back in 1971, on Season 3 of Sesame Street, Big Bird talked about his friend Snuffleupagus. His nickname was “Snuffy” and he was a wooly mammoth. He was big, brown, and furry. He was Big Bird’s best friend. The only problem was, nobody on Sesame Street could see Snuffy except […]
Seeing America With Eyes of Faith
We are called to live by faith and not by sight. In today’s world, this is needed more than ever. Faith is so important that the Apostle Paul told the Galatians that “faith expressing itself through love” is the “only thing that counts.” America has a lot of issues right […]
I Love You, Stinky Face!
By Tim Ballentine (A special guest of Elisha’s Riddle). The gospel boldly declares that we are righteous, loved, and flawless in His sight. But what about when we don’t feel or act that way? Our Christian Church history is filled with wonderful minds. With musicians and artists. Writers. Theologians. Speakers. […]
Papa’s Playlist 2
A few months back we featured our first Elisha’s Riddle Playlist, put together by Dylan Demarsico. Titled “Papa’s Playlist,” it featured songs by Chance the Rapper, Lecrae, Kanye West, David Crowder Band, and Kirk Franklin. The goal was to put together an experience with our Heavenly Father through music. Well […]
Papa’s Power
This week I’d like to discuss the power of our Daddy. In the previous 3 weeks we have discussed first that Jesus has revealed that the creator of the universe is our Dad. Second we discussed that our Papa is very passionate and full of enthusiasm towards us. And third […]
The Father’s Heart for Racism
This week there has been a hot button issue revolving athletes, the national anthem, and our President Donald Trump. While it’s easy to fall into anger and claim one side of this issue is completely evil, there is wisdom from above. Our Father has not left us as orphans to […]
The Sneeze of Salvation
“His sneezings flash forth light.” Job 41:18 How annoying is it when you have to sneeze but you just can’t get it out? It’s one of the worst things in the world. Isn’t it so frustrating? And when that sneeze finally comes out, isn’t it just wonderful? It’s such a […]
Papa’s Pleasure
The sweetness of knowing the pleasure of God.
Papa’s Passion
If God is our Father, what kind of Papa do we have? One of the common denominators of the modern Dad is that he is disinterested. There is a lack of engagement that comes from the heart. You can imagine the Dad who isn’t really listening to his […]
A Revelation of Papa
Many of us want to know God. We are very intrigued by this mysterious Deity. The universe is so big, there are billions and billions of planets that we are still discovering. The details of life are so mind-boggling. Through sex, a tiny sperm enters a female egg and somehow, […]
You Are a Gift From God to God
What is humility? Humility is accepting the truth that God reveals. What is false humility? False humility is being so “humble” that you reject that free gift of God’s grace. A good picture of false humility is Peter telling Jesus not to wash his feet. You can imagine that this […]
Perfect Peace by Canaan Baca
This article was written by a friend of Elisha’s Riddle, Canaan Baca. In America it seems as though truth and peace are the two intangible things that we seek after the most. We are quickly realizing that the physical things alone won’t satisfy, and that there is more to this […]
Papa’s Playlist
Below is a playlist produced from encountering the heart of the Father through certain songs. Enjoy these songs and let them give you joy in His presence.
Papa’s Peace
_______ Papa has made peace with all things. Many things are asleep to Papa but I am not. I am awake to Papa’s peace with all things. I am considered a fool by both family and friend. But my Papa is more precious than silver and gold. You […]
Why Do We Exist
For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11 King James Version First off, the above verse is in the King James Version so it must be true. The King James Version is the same language that Jesus Himself spoke. Okay, […]
Why Do We Struggle to Experience God?
...because we look for a God who isn’t infinitely rejoicing in us.
The Happy Trinity – Teaching
Below is a teaching on God’s happiness. It’s full of Biblical references and Church History references. Enjoy God’s happiness today! The Father is happy with the Son and we’ve been included in that infinite happiness!
Perfect Happiness
For by one sacrifice He has made perfect for all time those who are sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 1600 years ago Augustine wrote, “Every man, whatsoever his condition, desires to be happy.” The pursuit of happiness runs through all of us, we can’t escape it. The gospel has everything to do […]
You Don’t Have to Struggle with Sin Anymore
The truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so (you were already helped by) God.
The “Extreme Joy” of Jesus
A joy not based on our performance.
Are You as Excited for Judgment Day as I am?!
Are you excited for judgment day? Because I am! Oh boy, gee willikers, it’s going to be a wonderful day. You’re not afraid of it, are you? I mean, I’d be afraid of it too, I suppose, but I’m just trying to obey the Scriptures. The Apostle John… remember him? […]
God is on our side
This week… A brief word about Lady Gaga and Kim Walker-Smith God is on our side This month, pop-sensation and cultural icon Lady Gaga, as well as anointed worship leader Kim Walker-Smith, both released new music. Gaga debuted a new song at Coachella that is one of those I’m-singing-directly-to-God-but-you’re-not-supposed-to-know-unless-you-know-my-heart kind of […]
A Biblical Case for a BFF
A theological argument for the literal translation of the divine acronym "BFF"
Drinking in the Trinity
Jesus took wine and told all of His disciples to drink it. He told them the wine is His blood of the New Covenant which is poured out for their sins. God made wine to make people glad (Psalm 104:15). But Jesus also used wine as a symbol for His […]
The Father of the Foolish
The good news is a message that is for the foolish. Those who are wise and smart in this age cannot comprehend it. It’s too simple, too easy, and too contrary to the ways of this world. This gospel requires us to “lose our life in order to save it.” […]