πŸ’Ž Diamond

Innocence & Harmony
March 2021, πŸ’Ž Diamond

Innocence & Harmony

There is a deep harmony that runs underneath everything like a healing river winding in and out of the rocks of existence. This is a river that everyone walks through unaware, though we all consciously dip our foot into it from time to time.

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Rainbows & Eternity
November 2019, πŸ’Ž Diamond

Rainbows & Eternity

God looked at Jesus and saw the infinite depths of His character and being, and within those depths He saw billions of other reflections. These facets and reflections were us. God saw us "in Christ" and desired to create the universe through Jesus in order to . . .

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Holy Breath
November 2019, πŸ’Ž Diamond

Holy Breath

The lure of the "good life" (whatever that means) comes at us with a thousand hooks, meant to consume our focus and arrange our livesΒ  - to feel protected, secure, organized, safe.Β  Yes, many of us have lost this sense of awestruck innocence, but it is quite present deep within, buried under layers and layers of cultural indoctrination, trauma/pain, and unmet expectations . . . awaiting an awakening.

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November 2019, πŸ’Ž Diamond


You are my beloved child created by love, for love, and to carry my love into the world to establish my kingdom on earth...You are created more powerfully than you realize. You create like I did - by bringing invisible things into the visible realm at all times.

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Without Form
October 2019, πŸ’Ž Diamond

Without Form

God is good! Everything He created, He declared, β€œIt is good!” When He created and formed you, His masterpiece, seeing the very image and likeness of Himself, He said the same thing. Can you hear the wondrous delight in these simple words,Β β€œIt is very good!”

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Sometimes Sadness Comes
October 2019, πŸ’Ž Diamond

Sometimes Sadness Comes

Yearning and longing can easily be mistaken for sadness... In dealing with the intensity of such emotions, what is truly needed is something that can provide a sustained satisfaction to that longing; a satisfaction that is not hurtful to ourselves or others. Something that does not distract us from β€œChrist in us the hope of glory.”

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The "Deceitful" Heart
August 2019, πŸ’Ž Diamond

The “Deceitful” Heart – Part 3

The ultimate victory of the Cross has put to rest everything that could possibly hold us back from the most awesome existence imaginable – the one God dreamed up before the creation of the world, and the one He dreamed up specifically for you while you were in your mother’s womb.

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August 2019, πŸ’Ž Diamond

The Riddle of Two Sons

Does God hate some and love others? This article brings a powerful revelation into the verse "Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated." It is revelation that not only explains the verse, but expounds on the entire destiny of human history!

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